2,095 research outputs found

    The European Social Model and eastern enlargement

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    "The European Social Model (ESM) is increasingly becoming a model of integration policy. The idea is based on a combination of economic efficiency, in the sense of high productivity, competition and economic growth, and a high level of employment on the one hand together with social cohesion on the other hand. At the same time the ESM is understood as a dynamic model in evolution, whose development is influenced by global, European and national processes, including eastern enlargement. With the accession of the eight Central and Eastern European countries to the European Union, the economic and social disparities between the now 25 EU Member States have grown considerably. On the basis of theoretical and empirical literature this paper develops answers to the following questions in particular: will there be a gradual erosion of the ESM, are there prospects of convergence or are new vectors developing in the enlarged field of power? The authors reach the conclusion that the old and the new Member States, starting out from different historical experiences in the past decades and different levels of production and productivity, will have to withstand structurally similar challenges in the foreseeable future if they wish to achieve economic efficiency and social cohesion simultaneously. From the perspective of the new Member States, which come from an egalitarian tradition, there is every reason to believe that the majority of the population desires social cohesion and will demand it. Together with the diverse integration advantages of enlargement, a successful catching-up process in the new Member States provides good preconditions for the preservation and productive development of the ESM." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))EU-Osterweiterung, regionale DisparitÀt, europÀische Sozialpolitik, europÀische Integration, Konvergenz, Arbeitsmarktentwicklung, Wirtschaftsentwicklung, ProduktivitÀtsentwicklung, soziale Integration, Integrationspolitik, Leitbild, EuropÀische Union, Osteuropa, Mitteleuropa

    An O(n^{2.75}) algorithm for online topological ordering

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    We present a simple algorithm which maintains the topological order of a directed acyclic graph with n nodes under an online edge insertion sequence in O(n^{2.75}) time, independent of the number of edges m inserted. For dense DAGs, this is an improvement over the previous best result of O(min(m^{3/2} log(n), m^{3/2} + n^2 log(n)) by Katriel and Bodlaender. We also provide an empirical comparison of our algorithm with other algorithms for online topological sorting. Our implementation outperforms them on certain hard instances while it is still competitive on random edge insertion sequences leading to complete DAGs.Comment: 20 pages, long version of SWAT'06 pape

    Adaptive Wavelet Methods for Inverse Problems: Acceleration Strategies, Adaptive Rothe Method and Generalized Tensor Wavelets

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    In general, inverse problems can be described as the task of inferring conclusions about the cause u from given observations y of its effect. This can be described as the inversion of an operator equation K(u) = y, which is assumed to be ill-posed or ill-conditioned. To arrive at a meaningful solution in this setting, regularization schemes need to be applied. One of the most important regularization methods is the so called Tikhonov regularization. As an approximation to the unknown truth u it is possible to consider the minimizer v of the sum of the data error K(v)-y (in a certain norm) and a weighted penalty term F(v). The development of efficient schemes for the computation of the minimizers is a field of ongoing research and a central Task in this thesis. Most computation schemes for v are based on some generalized gradient descent approach. For problems with weighted lp-norm penalty terms this typically leads to iterated soft shrinkage methods. Without additional assumptions the convergence of these iterations is only guaranteed for subsequences, and even then only to stationary points. In general, stationary points of the minimization problem do not have any regularization properties. Also, the basic iterated soft shrinkage algorithm is known to converge very poorly in practice. This is critical as each iteration step includes the application of the nonlinear operator K and the adjoint of its derivative. This in itself may already be numerically demanding. This thesis is concerned with the development of strategies for the fast computation of the solution of inverse problems with provable convergence rates. In particular, the application and generalization of efficient numerical schemes for the treatment of the arising nonlinear operator equations is considered. The first result of this thesis is a general acceleration strategy for the iterated soft thresholding iteration to compute the solution of the inverse problem. It is based on a decreasing strategy for the weights of the penalty term. The new method converges with linear rate to a global minimizer. A very important class of inverse problems are parameter identification problems for partial differential equations. As a prototype for this class of problems the identification of parameters in a specific parabolic partial differential equation is investigated. The arising operators are analyzed, the applicability of Tikhonov Regularization is proven and the parameters in a simplified test equation are reconstructed. The parabolic differential equations are solved by means of the so called horizontal method of lines, also known as Rothes method. Here the parabolic problem is interpreted as an abstract Cauchy problem. It is discretized in time by means of an implicit scheme. This is combined with a discretization of the resulting system of spatial problems. In this thesis the application of adaptive discretization schemes to solve the spatial subproblems is investigated. Such methods realize highly nonuniform discretizations. Therefore, they tend to require much less degrees of freedom than classical discretization schemes. To ensure the convergence of the resulting inexact Rothe method, a rigorous convergence proof is given. In particular, the application of implementable asymptotically optimal adaptive methods, based on wavelet bases, is considered. An upper bound for the degrees of freedom of the overall scheme that are needed to adaptively approximate the solution up to a prescribed tolerance is derived. As an important case study, the complexity of the approximate solution of the heat equation is investigated. To this end a regularity result for the spatial equations that arise in the Rothe method is proven. The rate of convergence of asymptotically optimal adaptive methods deteriorates with the spatial dimension of the problem. This is often called the curse of dimensionality. One way to avoid this problem is to consider tensor wavelet discretizations. Such discretizations lead to dimension independent convergence rates. However, the classical tensor wavelet construction is limited to domains with simple product geometry. Therefor, in this thesis, a generalized tensor wavelet basis is constructed. It spans a range of Sobolev spaces over a domain with a fairly general geometry. The construction is based on the application of extension operators to appropriate local bases on subdomains that form a non-overlapping domain decomposition. The best m-term approximation of functions with the new generalized tensor product basis converges with a rate that is independent of the spatial dimension of the domain. For two- and three-dimensional polytopes it is shown that the solution of Poisson type problems satisfies the required regularity condition. Numerical tests show that the dimension independent rate is indeed realized in practice

    Efficiently Generating Geometric Inhomogeneous and Hyperbolic Random Graphs

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    Hyperbolic random graphs (HRG) and geometric inhomogeneous random graphs (GIRG) are two similar generative network models that were designed to resemble complex real world networks. In particular, they have a power-law degree distribution with controllable exponent beta, and high clustering that can be controlled via the temperature T. We present the first implementation of an efficient GIRG generator running in expected linear time. Besides varying temperatures, it also supports underlying geometries of higher dimensions. It is capable of generating graphs with ten million edges in under a second on commodity hardware. The algorithm can be adapted to HRGs. Our resulting implementation is the fastest sequential HRG generator, despite the fact that we support non-zero temperatures. Though non-zero temperatures are crucial for many applications, most existing generators are restricted to T = 0. We also support parallelization, although this is not the focus of this paper. Moreover, we note that our generators draw from the correct probability distribution, i.e., they involve no approximation. Besides the generators themselves, we also provide an efficient algorithm to determine the non-trivial dependency between the average degree of the resulting graph and the input parameters of the GIRG model. This makes it possible to specify the desired expected average degree as input. Moreover, we investigate the differences between HRGs and GIRGs, shedding new light on the nature of the relation between the two models. Although HRGs represent, in a certain sense, a special case of the GIRG model, we find that a straight-forward inclusion does not hold in practice. However, the difference is negligible for most use cases

    Das Zentrum von Ringen mit Kettenbedingungen

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    Rescue of myeloid lineage-committed preprogenitor cells from cytomegalovirus-infected bone marrow stroma

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    The effect of murine cytomegalovirus on myelopoiesis was studied in long-term bone marrow culture to find an in vitro correlate for the lethal virus interference with bone marrow reconstitution (W. Mutter, M. J. Reddehase, F. W. Busch, H.-J. BĂŒhring, and U. H. Koszinowski, J. Exp. Med. 167:1645-1658, 1988). The in vitro generation of granulocyte-monocyte progenitors (CFU-GM) discontinued after infection of the stromal cell layer, whereas the proliferation and differentiation of CFU-GM to granulocyte-monocyte colonies remained unaffected. A protocol was established to probe the functional integrity of earlier hematopoietic cells. Pre-CFU-GM (the progenitors of the CFU-GM) could be recovered from an infected bone marrow donor culture by transfer onto an inductive recipient stromal cell layer. Thus, at least in vitro, infection of bone marrow stroma appears to be the only cause of the defect in myelopoiesis

    The Fen1 extrahelical 3â€Č‐flap pocket is conserved from archaea to human and regulates DNA substrate specificity

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    Fen1 is a key enzyme for the maintenance of genetic stability in archaea and eukaryotes and is classified as a tumor suppressor. Very recent structural data obtained from Archaeoglobus fulgidus Fen1 suggest that an extrahelical 3â€Č‐flap pocket is responsible for substrate specificity, by binding to the unpaired 3â€Č‐flap and by opening and kinking the DNA. Since the extrahelical 3â€Č‐flap pocket in archaeal Fen1 contains seven amino acids that are conserved to a great extent in human Fen1, we have mutated the four conserved or all seven amino acids in the human Fen1 extrahelical 3â€Č‐flap pocket to alanine. Our data suggest that the human extrahelical 3â€Č‐flap pocket mutants have lost substrate specificity to the double‐flap DNA. Moreover, loss of high affinity for the unpaired 3â€Č‐flap suggests that the extrahelical 3â€Č‐flap pocket is essential for recognition and processing of the ‘physiological' template. Human PCNA could stimulate the human Fen1 extrahelical 3â€Č‐flap pocket mutants but not restore their specificity. Thus the substrate specificity of Fen1 has been functionally conserved over a billion years from archaea to huma

    Entwicklung und Ursachen von mis-match-Arbeitslosigkeit in Westdeutschland

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    "Der Aufsatz beschĂ€ftigt sich mit den Fragen: (a) Hat mis-match-Arbeitslosigkeit im Zuge des jĂŒngsten konjunkturellen Aufschwungs in Westdeutschland zugenommen? (b) (Wenn ja,) welche Ursachen sind dafĂŒr maßgeblich gewesen? (c) Welche arbeitsmarktpolitischen Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus? Zu (a) werden zwei AnsĂ€tze vorgestellt: Aus einer empirisch-statistisch orientierten Darstellung der Ausgleichsprozesse zwischen offenen Stellen und Arbeitslosen fĂŒr die Jahre 1983 und 1990 wird gefolgert, daß es sehr viel seltener gelingt, Arbeitslose auf vakante ArbeitsplĂ€tze zu vermitteln. Sichere makroökonomische SchlĂŒsse können jedoch daraus nicht gezogen werden. Deshalb wird in einem zweiten Anlauf das Konzept der Beveridge-Kurve anhand eines theoretisch-mathematischen Modells analysiert. Hieraus werden weitere Indizien fĂŒr zunehmende mis-match-Arbeitslosigkeit abgeleitet. Multiple Regressionsanalysen zur ErklĂ€rung der Laufzeit offener Stellen und der Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit bilden das methodische Instrumentarium zur Ursachenanalyse (b). Daraus ergibt sich insgesamt eine andere - oder jedenfalls modifizierte Sichtweise von mis-match-Arbeitslosigkeit als die traditionelle. Jene rĂŒckte die Profildiskrepanzen zwischen Arbeitslosen und offenen Stellen in den Vordergrund. Den grĂ¶ĂŸten Einfluß auf die Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit haben nach unseren Ergebnissen vielmehr die Merkmale, die auf eine geringere individuelle LeistungsfĂ€higkeit schließen lassen, wie Alter und gesundheitliche EinschrĂ€nkungen. Die bisherigen unterschiedlichen technischen und organisatorischen Ausgestaltungen der VermittlungstĂ€tigkeit in den ArbeitsĂ€mtern werden davon fast vollstĂ€ndig ĂŒberlagert. Angesichts des empirischen Befundes 'mis-match-Arbeitslosigkeit als Ergebnis von Sortierprozessen auf beiden Marktseiten' steht Arbeitsmarktausgleichspolitik (c) vor grĂ¶ĂŸeren Schwierigkeiten als bisher. Diese werden durch die Zulassung privater Vermittler selbst nicht ĂŒberwunden. Sie können insgesamt nicht allein durch Verbesserung der Vermittlungsleistung gemeistert werden, vielmehr sind zusĂ€tzliche Hilfen zur Eingliederung in Problemsituationen vor allem fĂŒr Ältere nötiger denn je. Hier werden in Übereinstimmung mit Leitlinien zur Weiterentwicklung der Arbeitsvermittlung und Arbeitsberatung der Bundesanstalt fĂŒr Arbeit insbesondere drei Ansatzpunkte fĂŒr die Weiterentwicklung aus der Sicht der Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung und unter Einbeziehung jĂŒngerer Forschungsergebnisse diskutiert und in ihrer Notwendigkeit unterstrichen: - Ausbau der Kontakte der Arbeitsvermittlung und Arbeitsberatung zu Klein- und Mittelbetrieben, - Konzentration der Vermittler auf das eigentliche VermittlungsgeschĂ€ft bei Aufrechterhaltung des Dienstleistungsangebots der Arbeitsförderung aus einer Hand, - Nutzung der UnschĂ€rfen des Arbeitsmarktes/der arbeitnehmerseitigen FlexibilitĂ€ts- und arbeitgeberseitigen SubstitutionsspielrĂ€ume." (Autorenreferat)strukturelle Arbeitslosigkeit, Arbeitslosigkeit - Determinanten, mismatch, Arbeitslosigkeit - Dauer, offene Stellen, Arbeitsvermittlung - Quote, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Arbeitsmarktgleichgewicht, Westdeutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Betriebswirtschaft, Personalwirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt

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    "Demographische Entwicklung, VerĂ€nderung im Erwerbsverhalten, steigende Qualifikationsanforderungen an den ArbeitsplĂ€tzen und schließlich die Vollendung des EG-Binnenmarktes werden zu verĂ€nderten Bedingungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt fĂŒhren und seine Akteure vor neue Herausforderungen stellen. Obwohl mit einer anhaltenden Arbeitslosigkeit bis Mitte der neunziger Jahre gerechnet werden muß, treten bereits heute fĂŒr viele Betriebe Probleme bei der adĂ€quaten Besetzung ihrer offenen Stellen auf, Diskrepanzen zwischen ArbeitskrĂ€fteangebots- und -nachfrageseite sind zu beobachten, das 'matching' wird in Teilbereichen immer schwieriger. In dieser Situation kommt der betrieblichen Personalwirtschaft eine wichtige Rolle im Arbeitsmarktausgleich zu. Sie kann die Probleme auf dem betriebsexternen Arbeitsmarkt durch betriebsinterne Anpassungsprozesse z.T. auffangen (z.B. durch Personalumsetzung, Qualifizierung) und damit die Anpassung zwischen externen und internen MĂ€rkten verbessern. Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik ist ergĂ€nzend gefordert. FĂŒr die Unternehmenspolitik sind im Hinblick auf die Lösung dieser Allokationsaufgaben zwei Weichenstellungen von Bedeutung: Die der betrieblichen Personalwirtschaft jeweils eingerĂ€umte Möglichkeit, mittel- und langfristige Strategien zur Entfaltung und Geltung zu bringen sowie der Stellenwert, der der betrieblichen Personalwirtschaft im Rahmen des strategischen Planungskonzepts zukommt, ob sie also als Annexplanung hinter andere Unternehmensstrategien zurĂŒcktritt oder ob die Unternehmen die Personalressourcen als strategische Variable einsetzen. In diesem Zusammenhang ist auch die Fachwissenschaft nach ihren LösungsansĂ€tzen gefragt worden. Das IAB hat dazu im Juli 1988 ein Kolloquium mit Lehrstuhlinhabern der betrieblichen Personalwirtschaft veranstaltet und legt nun die damals vereinbarten DiskussionsbeitrĂ€ge vor." (Autorenreferat)Betriebswirtschaft, Personalwirtschaft, Arbeitsmarkt, BeschĂ€ftigerverhalten, Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
